
[기술동향] 뿌리기술 관련 연관사이트 모음

성공을 도와주기 2015. 2. 8. 21:30

주조 관련 기술참고 사이트 

 1.한국주조공학회지 http://www.kfs.or.kr
2 대한금속재료학회지 http://kim.or.kr
3 한국분말야금학회지 http://www.kpmi.or.kr
4 대한기계학회논문집 http://www.ksme.or.kr
5 대한용접접합학회지 http://www.kwjs.or.kr
6 Metal and Materials International http://www.e-mmi.org
7 일본주조공학회지 http://jfs.or.jp
8 素形材 http://sokeizai.or.jp
9 China Foundry www.foundryworld.com
10 Foundry(鑄造) www.foundryworld.com
11 Modern Casting http://moderncasting.com
12 International Journal of Metalcasting www.afsinc.org
13 Die Casting Engineer www.diecasting.org
14 International Journal of Cast Metals Research http://www.maneypublishing.com
15 Journal of Materials Science & Technology http://www.jmst.org


금형 관련 기술참고 사이트 
1 Camara Argentina de Fabricantes de Herramientas e Instrumentos de Medicion www.cafhim.com.ar/
2 Fachverband der Maschinen- und Stahlbauindustrie Osterreichs www.fms.at/
3 Canadian Association of Moldmakers Inc. www.camm.ca/
4 Canadian Plastics Industry Association www.plastics.ca/home/index.php
5 Canadian Tooling &Machining Association ctma.com/
6 Canadian Trade Index www.ctidirectory.com/
7 China Die &Mould Industry Association www.cdmia.com.cn/
8 Tool Factories Association www.svaz-nastrojaren.eu/cs/
9 ESTA Estonian Special Tooling Association www.emliit.ee/
10 Technology Industries of Finland www.teknologiateollisuus.fi/
11 Association Française de l'Industrie de Moules, Modeles &Maquettes (AFIM) www.afim-france.com/
12 German Machine Tool Builders' Assocation www.vdma.org/wps/portal/
13 Bundesinnungsverband Des Deutschen Modellbauerhandwerks www.modell-formenbau.eu/
14 Industrieverband Kunststoff und Verpackungen www.kunststoffverpackungen.de/
15 Association of the Hellenic Plastics Industries http://www.ahpi.gr/


소성가공 관련 기술참고 사이트 
1 한국소성가공학회지 http://www.kstp.or.kr
2 대한금속재료학회지 http://www.kim.or.kr
3 대한기계학회논문집 http://www.ksme.or.kr
4 한국정밀공학회논문집 http://www.kspe.or.kr
5 한국금형공학회 논문집 http://www.ksdme.com
6 한국자동차공학회 논문집 http://www.ksae.org
7 한국주조공학회 논문집 http://www.kfs.or.kr
8 한국분말야금학회지 http://www.kpmi.or.kr/
9 한국재료학회 http://www.mrs-k.or.kr/
10 Metal and Materials International http://www.e-mmi.org
11 日本塑性加工學會誌 http://www.jstp.or.jp/index_e.html
12 The Japan Society for Mechanical Engineers http://www.jsme.or.jp/English/indexe.htm
13 Journal of Materials Processing Technology http://www.elsevier.com/locate/jmatprotec
14 Acta Materialia http://www.actamaterialia.org/
15 International Journal of Plasticity http://www.elsevier.com/locate/ijplas

16 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions http://www.tms.org/pubs/journals/mt/MT.aspx
17 International Journal of Mechanical Scienceshttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00 207403
18 International Journal of Solids and Structureshttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00 207683
19 Journal of Power Sourceshttp://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-pow er-sources
20 CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology http://www.cirp.net/
21 Materials Science Forum http://www.scientific.net/MSF
22 CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology http://www.cirp.net
23 International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/international-jo urnal-of-machine-tools-and-manufacture
24 Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering http://asmedl.org/Manufacturing
25 The international journal of material forming http://www.springer.com/12289


용접 관련 기술참고 사이트 
1 한국과학기술정보연구원 http://ocean.kisti.re.kr
2 한국연구재단 https://www.kci.go.kr
3 경북대학교 금속가공학 연구실 http://bh.kyungpook.ac.kr
4 부경대학교 용접IT 연구실 http://www.welding.re.kr
5 전남대학교 기계공학과 열가공 공정 연구실 http://wrl.chonnam.ac.kr
6 한국과학기술원 레이저 및 플라즈마 응용연구실 http://alpa.kaist.ac.kr
7 한양대학교 표면개질 및 접합야금 연구실 http://neomaterials.hanyang.ac.kr
8 IIW (International Institute of Welding) http://www.iiwelding.org
9 AWS (American Welding Society) http://www.aws.org
10 JWS (Japan Welding Society) http://jweld.jp
11 The Canada Welding Bureau http://eng.cwbgroup.org
12 WTIA (Welding Technology Institute of Australia) http://www.wtia.com.au
13 American Iron and Steel Institute http://www.steel.org
14 The Ohio Sate Welding Engineering Program http://www.ise.osu.edu
15 SLV (The SLV Duisburg Ltd.) http://www.slv-duisburg.de


표면처리 관련 기술참고 사이트 
1 한국표면공학회 http://www.kisehome.or.kr
2 대한금속재료학회 www.kim.or.kr
3 한국재료학회 http://www.mrs-k.or.kr/
4 International Union of Materials Research Societies http://www.iumrshq.org/
5 Electrochemical Society http://www.electrochem.org
6 Journal of The Electrochemical Society http://jes.ecsdl.org
7 International Union for Surface Finishing http://www.iufsf.org
8 Surface Chemistry Conferences http://www.chemistry-conferences.com
9 European Ceonference of Surface Science http://www.ecoss28.eu/
10 Applied Surface Science
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/applied-surface-sc ience
11 Colloids and Surfaces
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/colloids-and-surfa ces-a-physicochemical-and-engineering-aspects
12 Progress in Surface Science
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/progress-in-surfa ce-science
13 Surface and Coatings Technology
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/surface-and-coati ngs-technology
14 Surface Science
http://www.journals.elsevier.com/surface-science-in cluding-surface-science-letters


열처리 관련 기술참고 사이트 

1 (사)한국열처리공학회 www.ksht.or.kr
2 한국열처리기술협회 www.jsht.or.kr
3 세계열·표면쳐리 연맹 www.ifhtse.org